توفر هذه الدورة الإلمام بالحروف الأبجدية وآليات القراءة ومهارات الاستماع والنطق البسيط. في نهاية الدورة ، سيتمكن الطلاب من قراءة وكتابة الأبجدية الإنجليزية بالإضافة إلى تقديم أنفسهم باستخدام عبارات بسيطة. لا يوجد تقييم الزملاء في هذه الدورة.

تفترض هذه الدورة معرفة محدودة باللغة الإنجليزية. سيتمكن الطلاب من قراءة التوجيهات البسيطة ، وتقديم أنفسهم ، وإعطاء بيانات السيرة الذاتية القصيرة ، والبدء في فهم العبارات الأساسية اللازمة للتواصل اليومي باللغة الإنجليزية.

This course focuses on basic grammar and simple sentence structures. Students will be able to explain their background and give information on the most immediate needs in their daily lives. This course contains peer assessment that involves short and direct answers.
This course concludes the foundation of simple applied grammar and composition. Students will be able to participate in a simple exchange of information and understand expressions used most commonly in everyday life, including simple employment phrases. Further, students will start to formulate simple paragraphs. They will also learn the academic skill of editing and revising their work.
In this course, students will be introduced to reading strategies with an emphasis on short readings on argumentative topics (e.g., agree/disagree format) and will give short answer feedback in the form of a short cohesive paragraph. They will also create mixed length sentences and start formulating paragraphs on personal experience. Topics of applied grammar and paraphrasing are an additional focus for students. This course is entirely in English.
In this course, students will learn academic uses of grammar and begin to perform basic research. Topics of applied grammar and paraphrase are an additional focus for students. Students will be able to present their knowledge of subjects in their field of study through informative essays. There is peer assessment in the form of review and editing feedback.
In this course, students expand their academic English skills as they are introduced to complex texts and discussions in their field. They will also be able to take a side on a written debate and express their opinion. Students will be able to present subjects clearly via persuasive and argumentative essays. There is an additional focus on refining grammar and increasing vocabulary. Students will be able to write a short academic review of a journal article. There is peer assessment in the form of review and editing feedback.
This course will test students’ ability to demonstrate in clear and academic terms different aspects of their discipline’s subject matter. They will be able to write a compare/contrast essay. There is peer assessment in the form of review and editing feedback. The student must pass a final exam at a B2 score or higher.
The purpose of this course is to further develop students’ English language, reading, and writing skills as a foundation for their academic studies at UoPeople. The units focus on a range of texts and genres designed to improve students’ knowledge and understanding of academic discourse. Each unit also focuses on the progressive development of reading, grammar, writing and test-taking skills. This course is required for all students that have not demonstrated English proficiency and have been considered for provisional admission as a non-degree student. Students must earn a 73% or higher in the course to meet the English language proficiency requirement at UoPeople.