Disclaimer Regarding Use of Online Repository

As part of our mission to provide our students with a complete and unified repository of all syllabi and reading materials that can be found in our courses. University of the People has created the following online repository that contains an updated selection of syllabi and readings from all offered courses at the university. 

Note that all UoPeople course material found in the repository are subject to copyright owned by UoPeople or its licensors unless explicitly stated otherwise. Students may not reproduce, modify or distribute any text, graphics or other content provided in the repository without the express, written permission from University of the People. 

Furthermore, UoPeople reserves the right to change or modify the contents of any and all portions of the online repository and cannot guarantee that the repository will remain fully updated at all times.

Note: Links to textbooks can be found sometimes at the top of each syllabus, but more commonly they are located in the section headed "Required Textbooks and Materials".